Our pricing is built on transperancy and fairness, so you can expect clear and fair pricing. Our prices are all inclusive, which means no extra sales tax or credit card surcharges. We do change locations at times, so check our locations page to see where we are.
Trip charge for the Service Call is $85.00. This is the trip out to you.
For destinations extending beyond 30 miles from our base, a charge of $3.00 per mile applies.
Standard Service call - Diagnostic/Hourly labor rate is $140.00.
Service calls include the first hour of diagnostics & repairs.
Subsequent work is billed in 30 minute increments.
Warranty and Insurance Service Call - Diagnostic/Hourly labor rate is $180.00.
Service calls include the first hour of diagnostics & repairs.
Subsequent work is billed in 30 minute increments.
Holiday Service Call
Holiday Service is considered an emergency service and call to see if available.
Most consumables are included in the hourly charge such as tape, screws, etc.
Other consumables such as caulk, sealant, large amounts of repair tape, or building materials will be charged extra.
RV Air Conditioner annual maintenance is $125.00 for the first unit and $85.00 for each additional unit.
Keeping your rooftop air conditioner clean and free of obstructions will improve it's performance.
RV Air Conditioner Installation (roof mount replacement only) is $300.00 per unit plus any parts needed.
New installs or basement units will be billed at normal hourly rate, plus any parts needed.
RV Winterization is $140.00.
Ice maker, dishwasher, and washers are $10 extra each.
RV Dewinterization is $140.00
New Owner Orientation
This service price will vary dependant upon what each customer needs.